


Why would you want to inject CSS? Since Microsoft introduced Modern Pages to Office 365 and SharePoint, it is really easy to create beautiful sites and pages without requiring any design experience. If you need to customize the look and feel of modern pages, you can use custom tenant branding, custom site designs, and modern site themes without incurring the wrath of the SharePoint gods. If you want to go even further, you can use SharePoint Framework Extensions and page placeholders to customize well-known areas of modern pages. Right now, those well-known locations are limited to the top and bottom of the page, but I suspect that in a few weeks, we’ll find out that there are more placeholder locations coming. But what happens when your company has a very strict branding guideline that requires very specific changes to every page? When your customization needs go beyond what’s supported in…

In part 1 of this article, I introduced the concept for an SPFx extension that adds a header to every page, showing the classification information for a site. In part 2, we created an SPFx extension that adds a header that displays a static message with the security classification of a site. In part 3, we learned more about property bags and learned a few ways to set the sc_BusinessImpact property (a property we made up) of our test sites to LBI, MBI, and HBI. In part 4, we wrote the extension that reads from a site’s property bags and displays the classification in the header. In this part, we will clean up a few things, package and deploy the extension. Preparing to deploy to production The extension we wrote in parts 1-4 of this article works, but it isn’t really production ready. First, we’ll want to change the code…

In part 1 of this article, I introduced the concept for an SPFx extension that adds a header to every page, showing the classification information for a site. In part 2, we created an SPFx extension that adds a header that displays a static message with the security classification of a site. In part 3, we learned more about property bags and learned a few ways to set the sc_BusinessImpact property (a property we made up) of our test sites to LBI, MBI, and HBI. In this part, we will finally get to add code to our extension that reads the property bag of the current site and displays the appropriate site classification label. Reading the classification from the site’s property bag You can get the property bag of a site using a simple REST call to https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/yoursite/_api/web/allProperties  but it is even easier to use the SP PnP JS library make…